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Website Optimization

We use Google's tool to measure your website's performance, accessibility, SEO, and best practices compliance. We take all corrective actions to guarantee a score of 90+ on those four KPIs. Following our intervention, you will have a tangible output showcasing the "Before Vs After" results. Additionally, we use Google's Pagespeed Insights tool ( to identify key optimization areas to rocket-load your website on both desktops and mobiles

How your site is measured



Audits for metrics like first paint and time to interactive to determine lag
Best Practices

Best Practice

Looks for everything from HTTPS usage to correct image aspect ratios

Website Speed Optimization for Desktop & Mobile

We check your website code (Programming Language) and your hosting server / infrastructure in order to enhance the website speed on Desktop & Mobile.


Checks for common issues that may prevent users from accessing your content


Checks for best practices to ensure your site is discoverable
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